W. W. & F. Railway Museum Information

Days and Hours of Operation

When open, Museum hours are 9 to 5.

From Memorial Day Weekend (May) through Columbus Day Weekend (October) we are open on Saturdays and Sundays, giving train rides both days. During this time, where possible, passenger trains are pulled with steam power. Additionally, we are open, with train rides, on Memorial Day and Labor Day.

After Columbus Day Weekend (October) through the end of the year, we are open only on Saturdays. Train rides are available, and the Museum and Gift Shop are open. Temperatures this time of year can be cool, so dress appropriately.

From January through March we are open only on Saturdays. Train rides are chancy at best, depending on snow cover, crew needs, maintenance needs, and so on. The Museum and Gift Shop can be opened for visitors - but most everything is unheated, so it can be quite cold.

From April through May we are open only on Saturdays. Train rides are given, although this may be affected by maintenance needs of the railroad. The Museum and Gift Shop are open for business.

Other days of the week, the Museum and Gift Shop can be open either by appointment or by chance.

On the days specified, trains run on the following timetable: departure from Sheepscot every hour on the hour between 10 AM and 4 PM, inclusive. Other times of year, trains may be run on demand.

Admission and Tickets

Admission to the museum and the gift shop is free. Train tickets are $6/person for train rides, children 12 and under are $4.00, and children 3 and under are free. Members who show their membership cards, and seniors receive a dollar discount on tickets. Visit the gift shop

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How to find the Museum

Once you are on 218, go north 4.5 miles from Route 1. You will be at a 4-way intersection. Go left, onto the Cross Road, to the bottom of the hill. You can't miss the Museum grounds - the railroad stops within 5 feet of the road, and sometimes there's a railroad car at the end of the main line. In addition, there's a large yellow building and 2 green buildings. The Museum is on the right.

There are road signs on Rt 218 for those driving from the north and from the south. Additional road signs are located on Rt 1 in Newcastle, pointing to the Sheepscot Road and guiding the driver to the Museum.

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Correspondence with the Museum

All correspondence should be sent to:

W. W. & F. Railway Museum
PO Box 242
Alna, ME 04535-0242
Telephone: (207) 882-4193
General Email: Webmaster (webmaster@wwfry.org)
Membership Secretary: Allan Fisher (allanfisher@tidewater.net)
Gift Shop: Allan Fisher (allanfisher@tidewater.net)

Inquiries about membership, new membership applications, dues, etc. should be sent to the attention of the Membership Director, c/o the Museum. Membership is now $30 per year for an annual membership, or $300 for a lifetime membership. Your membership gets you a bimonthly newsletter, which allows you to keep track of activities of the volunteers. Send a check made out to WW&F Railway Museum to the mailing address above.

Submissions of articles for the WW&F Newsletter should be sent to the Newsletter Editor. Any articles of historical interest about the Maine Two-Footers are welcome and will be used at the discretion of the Editor. Articles may be sent via email in a plain text or MS Word format, or by "snail mail" for those not on the internet, at the Museum address above.

All other correspondence may be directed to the President.

President's Address:

Zack Wyllie
WW&F Railway Museum
PO Box 242
Alna, ME 04535

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What can I do to help out?

Any donations are appreciated, whether they be of time, money, or materials. If you are looking to give for specific need or project, please contact the Museum (use the address above) for further information or ideas.

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This page modified Wednesday, 09-May-2007 19:04:48 EDT. These pages copyright 1997 - 2007 by W. W. & F. Railway Museum/James C. Patten