The house pictured above was built by WW&F Museum founders Harry and Clarissa Percival. Harry died in 2001 and Clarissa passed away this past winter. Clarissa's will gives the WW&F Railway Museum right of first refusal on purchase of the house.
The house is surrounded on 3 sides by Museum property, and its possession is critical to our long range plans for parking, bathrooms, and so forth. The property is approximately 2.4 acres of land.
The purchase price has been set at $209,000. The Museum is asking its members for assistance in providing a substantial down payment on a mortgage that we will be taking out on it. To that end, the 2007 Annual Funddrive has been advanced by four months to cover this down payment. Anyone wishing to give should mail payment to the Museum (address is found in the "About Us" section of this website).
Additionally, anyone desiring to make a low or delayed interest loan over $25,000 to increase the down payment should contact the Museum directly.